Good Start

We are developing the Good Start methodology in the following projects

The Good Start methodology helps teachers to implement specific practices and tools to develop good habits and positive attitudes for life, to work with the different patterns of behaviour that children bring from their family environment. 

Projects list

Název projektu:

Diversity+: building tools for inclusive early childhood education and care

Termín realizace:

1. 9.2020 – 31. 8.2023


Popis projektu: 

The Diversity+ project aims to improve the quality of early childhood education and care and to support the professional development of teachers and assistants, enabling them to focus more on integration, promoting equality, social inclusion and fostering mutual empathy and tolerance.

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Název projektu:

Introduction and validation of a methodology for the development of socio-emotional skills in kindergartens and primary schools

Termín realizace:

1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022



Popis projektu: 

The project responds to three neglected areas of the pre-primary and primary education system. It provides validated and comprehensive tools for teachers, unifies the way of working with the issue of social-emotional skills and incorporates it into the curriculum, allows for continuity between the development of social-emotional skills in preschool and school education and, last but not least, provides proven ways of involving parents in the educational process of children and establishing a partnership relationship with the family.

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Název projektu:

BE-CHILD: Building an inclusive society that supports preschool teachers and educators in developing the social and emotional skills of preschool children

Termín realizace:

1. 12. 2019 – 31. 5. 2022



Popis projektu: 

The aim of the BE-CHILD project is to support pre-school teachers and educators to be able to effectively support the development of social and emotional skills in pre-school children. This includes, for example, equipping pre-school teachers and educators with the ability to assess children's maturity and capacity for inclusive behaviour to better prepare children for the transition to primary school, and achieving a common way of teaching social and emotional skills across EU Member States - this project will promote international trust and cooperation.

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Název projektu:

“Good Start” peer support centres

Termín realizace:

1. 7. 2017 – 30. 6. 2021



Popis projektu: 

The aim of the project was to enable equal access to quality pre-school education and to implement functional inclusive education in kindergartens. An inclusive approach necessarily includes cooperation between the kindergarten and parents and other actors from the educational and social services. The project was professionally supervised and based on the proven inclusive methodology Good Start (Incredible Years) aimed at developing children's social, emotional and cognitive competences in programmes for teachers and educators, parents and children.

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Název projektu:

A good start: inclusive methods of working with children and parents

Termín realizace:

1. 9. 2016 – 31. 8. 2019


Popis projektu: 

The project focused on supporting inclusive preschool education in Roudnice nad Labem, Štětí and Krupka. One of the goals was to support the integration of children from socially disadvantaged and culturally different backgrounds into the kindergarten team, i.e. to support the children's school attendance, to establish cooperation with their parents and to enable the child (and the whole family) to enter and adapt smoothly in the kindergarten. This entails deepening cooperation between educational and social services (especially kindergartens, non-formal education centres, social activation services) and making cooperation more effective by making it an everyday part of their work and including the family in it.

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