Prague, October 23, 2018
Schola Empirica ( organized a meeting on the theme of Innovation in Social Work with Children and Youth in the premises of the Scout Institute in the Old Town Square. This was the final meeting of the Networking Workers project on exchange of good practice in youth work at risk of social exclusion (so-called NEET youth, not in employment, education or training). Its project partners, workers from social work with children and youth, such as low-threshold centers, asylum homes or OSPOD, social work students and the wider public, participated.
The first guest and lecturer was Anne Marie Flood, who is the coordinator of European projects in Stockholm’s Spång Tenst district. This area of Stockholm is a separate administrative unit and faces a high rate of unemployment, especially among young people, as well as a large number of immigrants. In her contribution Anne Marie presented a social care system in Sweden, as well as various approaches and initiatives to prevent social exclusion in the so-called NEET youth in Spång Tenst.
Kateřina Gagolová and David Pěntka, from the town of Orlová, presented the results of the pilot project of social workers in schools. In their contribution, they also presented an information brochure for elementary schools called Early Intervention System in Practice. The brochure describes sociopathological phenomena and ways to prevent or solve them, while clarifying the role of OSPOD’s school, lawyers and social workers in this process.
In addition, a new online platform titled Social Work with Children and Youth was introduced. The platform is one of the outputs of the whole project and is designed not only for social workers and other professionals, but also for the general public. It contains two categories of contributions, firstly a glossary of terms in the field of social work with children and youth, and second, an overview of tried and tested projects and innovations in this field. The platform is available at:
Petra Hantáková from the Asylum House for Women and Mothers with Children in Vsetín first appeared in the afternoon block, introducing a project to support the development of a good relationship between mother and child inspired by the book Good Start. Blanka Jandová and Jitka Nejedlá from OSPOD Chomutov, who presented the results of the pilot project on the prevention of childcare in institutional care. Lucie Frenzelová from Ústí nad Labem – Neštěmice, where they focus on employing people at their place of residence, with an emphasis on 18-26 year olds, who are hardly paid on the open labor market (without education, qualification or practice and with insufficient the degree of social integration). Lucie Frenzel introduced the way she tried to achieve that.
Kateřina Vyhnánková from Schola Empirica, who talked about the role of nursery school, social services and parents in supporting small children at the kindergarten, was presenting herself. In the last post, Jaromír Mazák from the organizing organization devoted the measurement of the impact in social work projects and drew up the way the evaluation measurements take place.
Contributions from meeting participants and other project partners are recorded on the online platform in the Projects and Innovation category:
Schola Empirica ( organized a meeting on the theme of Innovation in Social Work with Children and Youth in the premises of the Scout Institute in the Old Town Square. This was the final meeting of the Networking Workers project on exchange of good practice in youth work at risk of social exclusion (so-called NEET youth, not in employment, education or training).
Its project partners, workers from social work with children and youth, such as low-threshold centers, asylum homes or OSPOD, social work students and the wider public, participated.