Schola Empirica

Spreading best practices in education

We are an educational and research organisation. We educate teachers, social workers and parents so that they can provide the best possible care for children and help them reach their full potential. We draw on scientifically proven approaches and methods from abroad, adapt them to the Czech Republic, test them in practice together with our partners, evaluate their impact in the Czech environment and then disseminate the best practices.

Our mission

We are changing education so that children to succeed in school – and in life. There is little focus in our education on developing important soft skills. We want to change that. Through scientifically proven methodologies, we help educators develop children’s social and emotional skills so that they can succeed in school and in life and fully develop their talents and personality.

Our strategy

We start from foreign scientifically proven approaches and methods (evidence-based, evidence-informed), which we adapt to the conditions in the Czech Republic, together with our partners we verify them in practice and evaluate their impact in the Czech environment (evaluate). We continue to improve the implemented approaches and methods based on practical experience from pilot implementations and evaluation results. In cooperation with our partners, we continue to spread the methods proven by practice and research in the Czech Republic (scaling).

our values

What we are working on

We bring from the world of methodologies

We bring scientifically proven methodologies for soft skills development to the Czech Republic.

We adapt them for the Czech Republic

We pilot the methodologies in Czech schools and kindergartens and adapt them to the Czech environment in cooperation with teachers.

We measure the impact

We provide qualitative and quantitative research, research design and consultation. We carry out basic research and experimental development.

We spread what works

We disseminate the resulting proven practices through teaching, education and professional publications.

We organise Prague Summer Schools

We organise summer meetings for young people from all over the world on topical issues. The interactive lectures and discussions of the Prague Summer Schools are led by international experts.
Prague Summer Schools

We are teaching & learning

We share examples of good practice with European education partners to create new, innovative outcomes – in Erasmus+ projects, we learn from each other.

Why reinvent the wheel?

There is a lot of good will to improve education in our country, but not all efforts have the desired effect and are in the right direction. That's why we bring proven methodologies from around the world that are proven to develop children. We test them, adapt them to our conditions and spread them.

Our team

Egle Havrdová, MA, Ph.D.

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Egle Havrdová

Egle manages the running of the organisation and a number of educational projects focusing on wellbeing and soft skills development for children and adults. She holds an MA in Sociology from Central European University and a PhD from the Department of Public and Social Policy at Charles University in Prague. She has worked at a number of Czech and foreign universities. Her research interests focus on comparative crime prevention policy, social intervention strategies and the implementation and evaluation of educational programmes.
[email protected]

Mgr. Monika Kotrbová

Project Coordinator, Methodologist
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Monika Kotrbová

Monika holds a Master's degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. At Schola Empirica, she coordinates the KiVa anti-bullying programme, of which she is a certified trainer.
[email protected]

Mgr. Romana Šloufová

Project Manager
and Skills Builder Programme Methodologist More information

Romana Šloufová

graduated with a Master's degree in Civic Sector Studies from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, where she worked on international research and lectured courses on social economy and social entrepreneurship. She has been bringing the topic of entrepreneurship and closely related soft skills development to Czech primary schools since 2017.
[email protected]

Mgr. Kateřina Michalová

Education Methodologist and Cordinator of the Good Start methodology ®
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Kateřina Michalová

Kateřina graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Humanities and a Master's degree in Pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, with a focus on the development of pupils' learning competences. As part of her work experience, she has been a primary school teacher, a teaching assistant in an international school and the founder and leader of the "Spielgruppe" preschool groups in Zurich. She is now working at Schola Empirica to support teachers in kindergartens and coordinates activities related to the Good Start methodology.
[email protected]

Mgr. Martina Koutná

Parenting Skills Project Manager, Evaluator
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Martina Koutná

Martina is the project manager of the Good Start for Parents programme and an evaluator. After studying Sociology and Social Policy and Public and Social Policy at FSV UK, she focused on predicting skills needs on the labour market and analysing the links between education, skills and success on the labour market. She has also published several articles on this topic. At Schola, she is involved in the development and dissemination of methodology to support parenting skills and qualitative evaluation of projects. She likes to spend his free time in nature, sports and deep conversations with kind people.
[email protected]

Terezie Třeštíková

Summer School Coordinator
Prague Summer Schools More information

Terezie Třeštíková

At Schola Empirica she coordinates project Prague Summer Schools - summer study programes for international students, where she arranges lectures, admissions and social events. She is also involved in the organisation of workshops and support for the education programmes coordinators. She is currently studying for a Master's degree in Territorial Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.
[email protected]

PhDr. Irena Zárubová

Education Methodologist,
certified trainer of the KiVa program for prevention and solution of bullying More information

Irena Zárubová

She uses her experience from teaching practice in the Czech Republic and abroad (internships, European School in Brussels, 2009–2018) to train and guide teachers. She helps and guides teachers in the introduction of the Skills Builder methodology (targeted soft skills development). Her focus is building a safe school environment. She sees formative assessment, meaningful learning, open and respectful communication as the most important elements of education.
[email protected]

Mgr. Ivana Hokešová

Education Methodologist and Cordinator of the Good Start methodology ®
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Ivana Hokešová

Skills Builder methodology consultant whose aim is to facilitate the development of essential skills in elementary school children (and beyond). After completing her Master’s Degree in teaching, she had been working as an English teacher and became a teacher trainer upon completing her DELTA qualifications working for a state institution. She believes that soft skills are a prerequisite for success in life and is an avid supporter of all who try to push education in the Czech Republic forward.
[email protected]

Mgr. Pavel Fiala

Education Methodologist, Skills Builder project
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Pavel Fiala

At Schole Empirice, I am involved in the Skills Builder project, which I believe in and support - that's why I put my energy into it 🙂 Skills Builder is a methodology that helps develop key competencies. I am a teacher and I know how important soft skills are and how we need to address them in schools. Before coming to the Schola, I taught at the da Vinci School and before that I worked at the Karlin Business Academy. Some time ago I was approached about coaching, which I am now intensively involved in. I like tennis, badminton, sauna and nature. And of course my girlfriend and our two cats 🙂
[email protected]

Bc. Veronika Švomová

KiVa Programme Methodologist
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Veronika Švomová

After studying pedagogy, she started to work with children and methodically lead a team in the field of education. The motivation for joining the KiVa Anti-Bullying Methodology Team was personal experience with bullying as a parent. Her goal is to help educators create a safe school climate with an emphasis on building relationships and open communication. She is currently studying Applied Ethics at the Charles University.
[email protected]

Mgr. Alexandr Strnad

KiVa Project Methodologist
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Alexandr Strnad

At Schole Empirice, he is the methodologist of the KiVa program. He graduated from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava, majoring in Mathematics - Civics. In recent years, he has gained experience as a director of a small private school or as a project manager in education. In his spare time he enjoys running, reading, travelling around the world and photography.
[email protected]

Mgr. Jan Netík

Quantitative Data Analyst
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Jan Netík

After graduating from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University with a degree in psychology, Honza is now broadening his horizons with a PhD at the Faculty of Education, where he is working on psychometric analyses of knowledge tests. At Schole Empirica, he is mainly involved in analysing the quantitative parts of evaluations of our educational methodologies and external projects.
[email protected]

Kateřina Hudáčová

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Kateřina Hudáčová

Currently completing her bachelor's degree in psychology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Her studies have led Katka to an interest in quantitative research and data analysis, which she also pursues within the framework of project evaluation at Schola Empirica. She firmly believes that the evidence-based approach has an indispensable place in the field of education.
[email protected]

Mgr. Marek Pour

Researcher and Evaluator
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Marek Pour

Marek is a psychologist from the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University. Currently a PhD student at Masaryk University with a focus on Social psychology. For Schola Empirica, he is working on evaluations of projects related to education and social work. Marek focuses mainly on qualitative research methods – interviews and focus groups.
[email protected]

Mgr. Kryštof Petr

Project Evaluator
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Kryštof Petr

Kryštof is a graduate of Master's degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc, where he is currently a PhD student. It deals with models of psychopathology, personality diagnosis and other concepts from various data. At Schole Empirice, he tries to make electrons do the math for him, analyzing meaningful data from projects. In his spare time, he enjoys talking to people on the phone about their hard times or being somewhere in the mountains.
[email protected]

Membership in professional organisations

Stálá konference asociací ve vzdělávání

A voluntary grouping of educator associations, programs, and civic associations working to promote and protect progressive change in education and to facilitate the exchange of ideas among educator initiatives, the nonprofit sector, state and local governments, and the public.

Stálá konference asociací ve vzdělávání

Platforma pro včasnou péči (Early Care Platform)

The platform is dedicated to the support and development of early care in the Czech Republic. Its goal is to promote and advocate for services and programs provided to at-risk children and to support the building of a functional early care system in our country.

Platforma pro včasnou péči (Early Care Platform)


Asociace Podnikavé Česko (Association Enterprising Czechia)

The Association was established with the aim of jointly streamlining and facilitating the preparation of the Czech Republic and its education system for a future in which the only certainty is change. It advocates a proper understanding of entrepreneurship as the ability to seize opportunities and ideas and create value for others, whether financial, cultural or social.

Asociace Podnikavé Česko (Association Enterprising Czechia)


Partner organisations

Center for Evidence Based Early Intervention

(CEBEI, Centre for Empirically Validated Early Intervention), Bangor University, Wales
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Center for Evidence Based Early Intervention

The Centre for Empirically Validated Early Intervention (CEBEI) is a research centre that works closely with the Children's Early Intervention Trust (CEIT), a charitable organisation, to evaluate local empirically validated early intervention programmes and the subsequent development of these programmes in Wales. CEBEI is part of Bangor University in Wales, but also collaborates with many American academics (e.g. Carolyn Webster-Stratton from Seattle, Washington, USA). CEBEI is led by Prof. Judy Hutchings, a recognized expert in the field of early intervention. CEBEI is actively involved in the evaluation and implementation of Incredible Years programmes for Wales.

KiVa International

KiVa International

KiVa is an innovative bullying prevention and intervention programme that has been developed by combining a wealth of experience from previous intervention programmes and cutting-edge research in more than 1,000 schools in Finland and around the world. The programme was further implemented e.g. in the Netherlands, Estonia, Italy and Wales. The methodology is based on a comprehensive approach with a wide range of tools - it targets teachers, pupils and parents and includes a variety of activities for the whole school year.

Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) Consortium

Parenting for lifelong health
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Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH)

PLH is a set of non-commercial programs for parents to prevent violence in low-resource settings. The programmes have been developed and extensively tested in a collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the Universities of Bangor, Oxford, Cape Town and Clowns Without Borders South Africa. Based on positive evaluation results, programmes are being scaled up in more than 20 low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa, South-East Europe, South-East Asia and the Caribbean. At the same time, several studies are underway to develop the evidence base for these interventions. Schola Empirica is a partner of the Lifelong Parenting for Young Children Programme (PLHP) in the Czech Republic and contributes its data to international research on these interventions.
PLH website

The Skills Builder Partnership

Skills Builder Partnership

Enabling Enterprise has developed a methodology to develop soft skills in children and young people aged 3 to 18. The methodology is based on research and practical experience and has been in use in schools in the UK for over 10 years. A pilot version has been tested in more than 20 basic skills organisations. The programme has been independently evaluated twice and has so far been used with more than 200,000 children and young people. The development of the 8 basic skills, according to available resources and data, is the foundation for success at different stages of life: in primary and secondary school, preparing students for successful transition to university and for success in employment or business.

Erasmus+ foreign partners

Centrum för flexibelt lärande (CFL), Hälsinglands utbildningsförbund (Sweden)

Tiny Signers (UK)


Skola dokoran – Wide Open School n. o. (Slovakia)

PIA, information systems and services d.o.o. (Slovenia),

Asociación Mi Hijo y Yo (Spain)

Consultancy for autism, special educational diagnostics, counselling and education, Maja Skrubej Novak s.p. (Slovenia)


International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (Germany)

European Paralympic Committee (Austria)

Pedagogical Institute (Slovenia)

Informa Psicologia y Deporte (Spain)


Heilsuleikskólinn Krókur (Iceland)

Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane (Italy)

Opera Nazionale Montessori (Italy)

Natsionalna Asotsiatsia na Resursnite Uchiteli (Bulgaria)

Tallinna Lasteaed Palliponn (Estonia)

Gradinita cu Program Prelungit Nr. 25 iasi (Romania)

Gymnasium Franca Miklošič Ljutomer (Slovenia)

International College of Cosmetology (Latvia)

Harmony Academy (Slovakia)

Catholic University of Ruzomberok (Slovakia)

Euroreso (Italy)

Eurofortis It Sia (Latvia)

Aspire-igen Group Ltd. (United Kingdom)

Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria)

CIAPE – Centro Italiano per l’Apprendimento Permanente (Italy)

Step by Step Association (The Netherlands)

Link Campus University (Italy)



Šíříme program KiVa do českých škol. Organizujeme další ročník Prague Summer Schools. Chystáme podzimní konferenci.


Šíříme metodiky Dobrý začátek, Skills Builder, pilotujeme program KiVa. Uspořádali jsme konferenci KiVa 2022, kde jsme sdíleli zkušenosti s pilotáží.


Šíříme metodiky Dobrý začátek, Skills Builder, pilotujeme program KiVa.


Spouštíme projekt Skills Builder pro rozvoj měkkých dovedností.


Spouštíme projekt KiVa pro prevenci a řešení šikany.


Vzniká Metodika Dobrý začátek pro rodiče.


Realizujeme projekt inkluzivního předškolního vzdělávání v Ústeckém kraji, propojení sociálních pracovníků, učitelů a rodičů.


Školíme metodiku Dobrý začátek pro učitelky MŠ.


První projekty stáží učitelek MŠ v CEBEI, New Summer School on Behavioral Economics and Psychology.


Přejmenovali jsme se na Schola Empirica.


Organizujeme projekty zaměřené na podporu NEET mládeže (Youth not in Employment, Education or Training).


Účastníme se Erasmus projektů (Grundtvig).


Vznikají první zárodky metodiky podpory sociálních a emočních dovedností dětí předškolního věku, New Summer School on Development Cooperation.


Probíhá školení učitelek MŠ s prof. Judy Hutchings.


Připravujeme první projekty zaměřené na vzdělávání předškolních pedagogů.


Pořádáme New Summer School on Education.


Připravujeme projekty vzdělávání v Plzeňském a Středočeském kraji.


Organizujeme New Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology, projekty vzdělávání.


Pokračujeme se Summer Schools on Lobbying in Brussels a realizujeme první projekt vzdělávání učitelů, neziskovek a sociálních pracovníků v Praze a ostatních regionech ČR.


Pořádáme první letní školu Summer Schools on Lobbying in Brussels.


Založili jsme Centrum pro veřejnou politiku.

Annual Reports

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