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How to integrate children with a different mother tongue more easily?

Projects to improve the quality of education by strengthening inclusion were carried out in Prague’s kindergartens and primary schools. The aim of our evaluation was to assess the benefits of inclusive activities and to obtain examples of the most significant changes that have occurred in pupils, teachers or parents. Inclusive activities: bilingual assistants tutoring Czech…

Erasmus+ project ‘Good Start for All’ gathered experts to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between formal and informal ECEC educators

The conference titled ‘Good Start for All: bridging the gap between formal and informal educators’ was a part of the Erasmus+ project  – ‘Good Start for All: Development of Inclusive Education Methods for Pre-school Children from Socially Disadvantaged or Culturally Different Environments’ (GSA), which aims to support the inclusion of children from socially disadvantaged or…

International experts reunion in Prague to launch the BE CHILD Erasmus+ Project

The BE-CHILD project’s Kick-Off meeting took place in Prague on the 8th and 9th of January 2020, where all eight project partners gathered for a first face-to-face meeting in the beautiful city of Prague. Representatives of organizations from Iceland, Italy, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Czechia had a chance to get to know each other, discuss…

EDUin Public Award goes to our Good Start methodology!

  On the 29th of January, Schola EMPIRICA participated in the EDUin Awards Ceremony held in Opero, a co-working centre in Prague. EDUin has been recognising innovative and inspirational educational projects since 2013. Around 100 projects apply each year, and 10 are then selected by the expert jury to proceed to the final round and…

Celebrating 15 years of Prague Summer Schools (PSS)

The upcoming summer marks the 15th anniversary of Prague Summer Schools. In 2004 the Czech Republic joined the EU and the Czech nation was about to start a new chapter, full of new prospects and challenges. Young Czech scholars came up with an idea to organize a summer course in Prague and as a result,…

A “Good Start” Methodology

Methodology According to the numerous research in education, development of social and emotional competencies of pre-school children is a key to achieving academic success in school. The current learning process places too much stress on the transfer of information and knowledge, which the children receive without being able to experience, understand or internalize it. There…

Innovation in social work with children and youth: press release from the conference

Prague, October 23, 2018 Schola Empirica ( organized a meeting on the theme of Innovation in Social Work with Children and Youth in the premises of the Scout Institute in the Old Town Square. This was the final meeting of the Networking Workers project on exchange of good practice in youth work at risk of…